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>>> from scale import dsl
Most of the DSL parsing API operates on sequences or iterators of tokens, as generated by the standard library tokenize module. You can use that module directly, or you can use these convenience functions to do the tokenizing:
All of these functions support source encoding comments and BOM markers as prescribed by PEP 263. However, if you supply a unicode string to tokenize_string() or a unicode stream to tokenize_stream(), any PEP 263 source encoding information will be ignored, as it will be assumed you already have done any necessary decoding.
Example usage:
>>> from tokenize import tok_name >>> [(tok_name[t],v) for t,v,s,e,line in dsl.tokenize_string("1+2")] [('NUMBER', '1'), ('OP', '+'), ('NUMBER', '2'), ('ENDMARKER', '')]
The detokenize() function converts an iterable of tokens back into a string:
>>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("1+2")) 1+2 >>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("1+ 2 #foo")) 1+ 2 #foo
The resulting string will have every token on its original line in the input:
>>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("""\ ... 1+ \\ ... \\ ... 2""")) 1+ \ \ 2
But the tokens will be shifted to the left such that the first non-whitespace, non-comment token is in the first column of the output:
>>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string(""" ... print '''foo ... bar''' + '''spam ... baz''';""")) <BLANKLINE> print '''foo bar''' + '''spam baz''';
unless you use the optional indent parameter to change the default indentation:
>>> dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("print foo"), indent=2) ' print foo' >>> dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("print foo"), indent=4) ' print foo' >>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("""\ ... 1+ \\ ... \\ ... 2"""), indent=4) 1+ \ \ 2
But note that re-indentation doesn't affect the contents of multi-line strings, such as docstrings. That is, after reindenting, the string has the same value it did before, even if it makes the contents of the string look odd:
>>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.tokenize_string("""\ ... # a comment that's oddly indented - or is it? ... def x(): ... '''more than one ... line in the docstring''' ... """), indent=12) # a comment that's oddly indented - or is it? def x(): '''more than one line in the docstring''' ...
Notice also that any comments occurring before the first non-whitespace token in the token stream are formatted flush left to the indent column, regardless of their position in the input. (This is because detokenize() doesn't know how far to offset the input lines from their starting positions until it encounters a non-comment token.)
You can strip whitespace tokens like indents, dedents, comments, and newlines from a token list with strip_ws(), which yields all the non-whitespace tokens in a sequence:
>>> dsl.detokenize(dsl.strip_ws(dsl.tokenize_string("123 #xyz"))) '123'
strip_ws() is intended to make parsing individual statements easier. But you should not use it on token streams that span more than one logical line, because the NEWLINE whitespace token separates logical lines, and the INDENT and DEDENT tokens are used to identify blocks. With these tokens removed, parsing blocks into statements and nested blocks becomes impossible. Therefore, if you are doing block parsing you should only strip whitespace from individual statements, not from the input to parse_block().
Many parsing operations need to split a sequence of tokens into subsequences based on the presence of a particular token. For this, the dsl module provides two tokenlist-splitting functions:
Return a 3-tuple (before, sep, after), such that before is a list of the tokens occurring before the first occurence of sep in tokens, and after is an iterator that will yield the portion of tokens that is after the separator. (This means that you can keep partitioning the "after" portion without incurring an O(N^2) performance penalty for copying the same list items over and over.)
If the separator is found, the returned sep is a 1-element list containing the actual token that matched sep. If the separator is not found, the returned sep is an empty list, and before will contain all of tokens.
The sep value for these functions can be a string, in which case the token value must exactly match that string, or else it can be one of the tokenize module constants like tokenize.OP or tokenize.NAME, in which case it will match any token of that type.
>>> before, sep, after = dsl.partition(dsl.tokenize_string("1+2"), "+") >>> print dsl.detokenize(before) 1 >>> print dsl.detokenize(sep) + >>> after <generator object at ...> >>> print dsl.detokenize(after) 2 >>> before, sep, after = dsl.partition(dsl.tokenize_string("1*2"), "+") >>> print dsl.detokenize(before) 1*2 >>> sep # empty if not found [] >>> list(after) # remember, it's an iterator [] >>> from tokenize import OP # now let's split on any operator >>> before, sep, after = dsl.partition(dsl.tokenize_string("1*2"), OP) >>> print dsl.detokenize(before) 1 >>> print dsl.detokenize(sep) * >>> print dsl.detokenize(after) 2 >>> before, sep, after = dsl.rpartition( ... dsl.tokenize_string("class when class foo"), "class" ... ) >>> before # all three are lists [(...'class'...), (...'when'...)] >>> sep [(...'class'...)] >>> after [(...'foo'...)] >>> before, sep, after = dsl.rpartition( ... dsl.tokenize_string("class when class foo"), "spam" ... ) # now let's try a not-found separator >>> before [] >>> sep [] >>> dsl.detokenize(after) 'class when class foo'
The parse_block(tokens) function turns an iterable of tokens into a block, which is a list of statements and the blocks that appear indented under those statements. More specifically, it is a list of two-item "(statement, block)" tuples, where statement is a list of the tokens representing a single statement, and block is a (possibly-empty) nested list of "(statement, block)" pairs:
>>> dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string("1+2")) [([(...'1'...), (...'+'...), (...'2'...)], [])]
Blocks can be flattened back into a token sequence using flatten_block(), so you can then detokenize the result back into a string:
>>> print dsl.detokenize( ... dsl.flatten_block(dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string("1+2"))) ... ) 1+2
Thus, you can parse a file into a block, then traverse the statement tree and turn sub-blocks back into strings at whatever indentation level you like. This is especially useful for creating parser generators or other tools that express a high-level language that then includes blocks of Python code that must be incorporated into their output.
In addition to creating a tree of blocks and statements, parse_block() also turns each statement into a tree of nested subexpressions, so that parentheses, brackets, and braces are paired and their contents nested into a single token:
>>> block = dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string("foo(bar[baz])")) >>> stmt,block = block[0] # get the first statement >>> [(tok_name[t],v) for t,v,s,e,line in stmt] [('NAME', 'foo'), ('SUBEXPR', [...])] >>> stmt[1][0] == dsl.SUBEXPR True
As you can see, the statement consists of a NAME token and a SUBEXPR pseudo-token (whose numeric value is dsl.SUBEXPR). Instead of a string in the normal position for the token's value, there's a list. Let's expand it:
>>> subexpr = stmt[1][1] # get the nested token tree >>> print dsl.detokenize(subexpr) (bar[baz]) >>> [(tok_name[t],v) for t,v,s,e,line in subexpr] [('OP', '('), ('NAME', 'bar'), ('SUBEXPR', [...]), ('OP', ')')]
As you can see, the parentheses surrounding the subexpression are contained in the nested token list. And there's still another nested subexpression:
>>> subexpr = subexpr[2][1] >>> print dsl.detokenize(subexpr) [baz] >>> [(tok_name[t],v) for t,v,s,e,line in subexpr] [('OP', '['), ('NAME', 'baz'), ('OP', ']')]
This process of nesting subexpressions makes it easier to parse statements by looking for keywords or punctuation that may have different meaning when found in a subexpression. For example, the ":" operator in Python has different meaning in a dictionary display than it does at the top level of a statement, where it might introduce a block or lambda expression. However, if for some reason you want to flatten out the nesting, you can use flatten_stmt():
>>> [v for (t,v,s,e,line) in dsl.flatten_stmt(stmt)] ['foo', '(', 'bar', '[', 'baz', ']', ')']
Now that we've seen what a statement looks like inside, let's look at blocks in more detail:
>>> block = dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string("""\ ... def foo(): ... pass ... def bar(baz,spam): ... whee() ... """))
The block we just parsed has two statements in it:
>>> len(block) 2
We'll print them, stripping whitespace so that they don't end with line feeds:
>>> for stmt,blk in block: ... print dsl.detokenize(dsl.strip_ws(stmt)) def foo(): def bar(baz,spam):
Now let's print the blocks nested beneath the two statements, indenting them to match their original positions:
>>> for stmt,blk in block: ... print dsl.detokenize(dsl.flatten_block(blk), indent=4) pass ... whee() ...
We can also print the whole block by flattening and detokenizing it:
>>> print dsl.detokenize(dsl.flatten_block(block)) def foo(): pass def bar(baz,spam): whee() ...
Now, let's create a simple code reformatter, that realigns a block and its children to meet a uniform indentation width:
>>> def reindent(block, indent_by=4, start=0): ... out = [] ... for stmt,blk in block: ... out.append(dsl.detokenize(stmt, indent=start)) ... if blk: ... out.append(reindent(blk, indent_by, start+indent_by)) ... return ''.join(out) >>> print reindent(block) def foo(): pass def bar(baz,spam): whee() ... >>> print reindent(block, 1) def foo(): pass def bar(baz,spam): whee() ... >>> print reindent(block, 7, 3) def foo(): pass def bar(baz,spam): whee() ...
The SCALE language consists entirely of "declaration" statements. A declaration is an expression with optional assignment prefixes, an optional "context" clause, and an optional nested block. Here are some examples of valid SCALE declarations:
>>> samples = dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string(""" ... ... foo(gee): ... zing from Zang ... bar = baz = squidge() from spammity>=1.2: ... answer = 42 ... ... "whiz" = "oh boy" = 123 * 456 ... ... something = me from: ... me = 789 ... ... """))
The parse_declarations() function yields 4-element tuples containing the assigned names, value expression, context clause, and nested block for each statement in a given block:
>>> def print_decl(names, expr, context, block): ... if names: ... print "Assigned to:", names ... print "Expression:", `dsl.detokenize(expr)` ... if context is not None: ... print "Context:", `dsl.detokenize(context)` ... if block: ... print "Block:" ... print dsl.detokenize(dsl.flatten_block(block),8).rstrip() ... print >>> for names, expr, context, block in dsl.parse_declarations(samples): ... print_decl(names, expr, context, block) ... Expression: 'foo(gee)' Block: zing from Zang bar = baz = squidge() from spammity>=1.2: answer = 42 ... Assigned to: ['whiz', 'oh boy'] Expression: '123 * 456' ... Assigned to: ['something'] Expression: 'me' Context: '' Block: me = 789 ... >>> for names,expr,context,block in dsl.parse_declarations(samples[0][1]): ... print_decl(names, expr, context, block) ... Expression: 'zing' Context: 'Zang' ... Assigned to: ['bar', 'baz'] Expression: 'squidge()' Context: 'spammity>=1.2' Block: answer = 42 ...
As you can see, the context of a declaration is either a token list or None, depending on whether a "from" clause appeared in the declaration. names is a (possibly empty) list of the names to which the expression is being assigned, with quoted strings being treated as if they were normal identifiers. expr, meanwhile, is the token list for the declaration's value expression, and block is the nested block beneath the statement, if any. The expr and context token lists are stripped of whitespace tokens at the top level, and do not contain the : if one was present at the end of the declaration.
If a parsed line is not a valid declaration, a TokenError is raised. Valid declarations must end with a : if and only if an indented block follows:
>>> def try_parsing(s): ... list( ... dsl.parse_declarations(dsl.parse_block(dsl.tokenize_string(s))) ... ) >>> try_parsing("xyz:") Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ("Expected indented block following ':'", (1, 4)) >>> try_parsing("xyz\n foo") Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ("Expected ':' before indented block", (1, 3))
And the "from" clause of a declaration can only be empty if it introduces a block:
>>> try_parsing("xyz from:\n foo") # okay >>> try_parsing("xyz from 123") # also okay >>> try_parsing("xyz from") # not okay Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ("Expected context or ':' after 'from'", (1, 8))
It's also not valid to omit the expression if the declaration assigns to any names:
>>> try_parsing("from foo") # okay >>> try_parsing("foo = from bar") # not okay Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ('Expected expression', (1, 5)) >>> try_parsing("foo =") # also not okay Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ('Expected expression', (1, 5))
It's also an error to assign to something that's not an identifier or quoted string:
>>> try_parsing("abc = '123' = 456") # okay, assigns 'abc' and '123' >>> try_parsing("123 = 456") # can't assign to number! Traceback (most recent call last): ... TokenError: ("Expected name or string before '='", (1, 4))
It's important to note, however, that parse_declarations() does not prescribe or guarantee any particular syntax for the expr and context clauses. So, they are not guaranteed to be valid Python expressions. This means that you can create SCALE dialects with different expression or context syntax, but it also means that you should be prepared for the possibility of syntax errors within the expression or context clause.