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(Note: This lesson has not yet been edited by PJE)
OK, the big moment has come (hold your chuckles!). Management is impressed with our demo program, and they want us to take it into production, for use in greeting customers. There's a wrinkle, though: they aren't interested in having a custom greeting for every customer. Instead, they want us to access the corporate PostgreSQL database, check the group to which each customer has been assigned, and use a greeting associated with the customer's group to greet the customer.
So in this lesson we're going to learn how to use PEAK facilities to work with an SQL database, how to combine data from more than one database but keep them all in sync, and we'll also get to see just how flexible a PEAK program can be in the face of change. Along the way we'll introduce PEAK's "n2" utility, and give you a small glimpse of how powerful PEAK's naming system is. Oh, yeah, and we'll exercise the configuration system a bit more, too.
Then we'll finish it all off by throwing away our version 1 model and storage implementation program and writing version 2 to match the new reality.
To do our testing, we'll use an SQLite database. If you don't
have SQLite on your system, you can get it from
http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/. You'll also need the PySQLite
python interface library, available from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pysqlite/. Or use your operating
system's package facility if it has one (for example, on FreeBSD
you could do "cd /usr/ports/database/py-PySQLite; make install" and on Gentoo Linux you can "emerge pysqlite").
Remember back at the beginning when we took a look at the usage information for the peak command? The first argument to the peak command is described as "NAME_OR_URL", where a name is something defined in the peak.running.shortcuts section of an ini file, and URL is "of a type supported by peak.naming".
You should already be familiar with 'peak.running.shortcuts', including how to define your own subcommands using it, from Lesson 3. Now we're interested in that second bit, the one about the URL.
PEAK provides a general way to refer to "resources" via "names". Since "URL" stands for "Uniform Resource Locator", it's a natural syntax for PEAK to use. A URL can be quite complex syntactically, but we're only worried about the highest level view for now. We can divide the URL into two parts at the first :: the part before the ":" is called the "scheme", and the part after the : is called the body. When the peak naming system interprets the body in the context of the scheme, we get an object.
The peak command further requires that the referenced object support one of the `peak.running' interfaces or be callable. That's important: the naming system will look up anything it understands, but something that uses the naming system to look things up may have additional constraints on what referenced objects will actually work when specified in such a URL.
PEAK of course makes schemes and production rules completely configurable. The peak.naming.schemes section of the peak.ini file looks like this:
[peak.naming.schemes] # This section defines naming context factories or URL.Base subclasses to # be used for various URL schemes. The entry name is the URL scheme, and # the value is either the object or an import string for loading it. import = "peak.naming.factories.peak_imports:importContext" smtp = "peak.naming.factories.smtp:smtpURL" uuid = "peak.naming.factories.uuid:uuidURL" nis = "peak.naming.factories.nisns:nisURLContext" config = "peak.naming.factories.config_ctx:PropertyContext" ldap = "peak.storage.LDAP:ldapURL" sybase = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL" pgsql = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL" psycopg = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL" mockdb = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL" gadfly = "peak.storage.SQL:GadflyURL" sqlite = "peak.storage.SQL:SqliteURL" cxoracle = "peak.storage.SQL:OracleURL" dcoracle2 = "peak.storage.SQL:OracleURL" logfile = "peak.running.logs:logfileURL" logging.logger = "peak.running.logs:peakLoggerContext" lockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL" nulllockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL" shlockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL" flockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL" winflockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL" win32.dde = "peak.storage.DDE:ddeURL" http = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL" ftp = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL" https = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL" file = "peak.naming.factories.openable:FileURL" pkgfile = "peak.naming.factories.openable:PkgFileURL" icb = "peak.net.icb:ICB_URL" tcp = "peak.net.sockets.tcpudpURL" udp = "peak.net.sockets.tcpudpURL" unix = "peak.net.sockets.unixURL" unix.dg = "peak.net.sockets.unixURL" fd.socket = "peak.net.sockets.fdURL" zconfig.schema = "peak.config.load_zconfig:ZConfigSchemaContext" shellcmd = "peak.naming.factories.shellcmd:ShellCommandCtx"That's a lot of schemes. Take a look at that last one, `shellcmd'. The peak command usage says we can use any scheme recognized by peak.naming to provide the thing the peak command is going to run. Presumably that means that we could tell it to run, say, the "ls -l" command. Let's try it:
% peak shellcmd:"ls -l" total 15 -rwxr-xr-x 1 rdmurray wheel 272 Dec 7 22:04 hello -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 159 Dec 7 22:04 hello.list -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 201 Dec 7 22:04 hello_model.py -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 1013 Dec 7 22:04 hello_model.pyc -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 1097 Dec 7 22:04 hello_storage.py -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 3308 Dec 7 22:04 hello_storage.pyc -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 1519 Dec 7 22:04 helloworld.py -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 2878 Dec 7 22:04 helloworld.pycWell, how about that. Not, perhaps, a stunningly useful way to run the "ls" command, but it certainly demonstrates the flexibility of the PEAK naming system.
Note that while we are calling these URLs, and they are URLs, they aren't URLs in the sense most people think of them: things you can type into your web browser and have it do something useful. If you try typing `shellcmd:"ls -l"' into your browser navigation bar, it's going to ask you if you are out of your mind. Well, OK, it won't do that. But it will give you an error message that indicates it doesn't know how to handle a "shellcmd" URL. Note that it isn't telling you that the URL is invalid, it's telling you it doesn't know how to handle it. So, a lot of the URL schemes used by PEAK are what we might call "private" URL schemes: they aren't really usable outside of PEAK, which does know how to handle them.
So, what does this have to do with our program? Well, observe that a number of the schemes supported by peak have to do with sql. In particular we can clearly see sqlite in there. psycopg, it turns out, is for postgres. So, PEAK has a way of refering to SQL databases. The general form is this:
<scheme>://userid:password@host/databaseThe URL to access the corporate database might look like this:
psycopg://ouruserid:[email protected]/customerdbOn the other hand, our test database is just going to be a file in the local directory, so all we need there is the database name:
sqlite:test.dbNote that we can omit the //. This is true in general for PEAK URLs, and in fact the cannonical representation of PEAK URLs omits them. That is, if PEAK echos back a URL it has parsed, it will omit the slashes following the colon.
OK, so now we know how to point PEAK at our databases. Let's try it:
%peak sqlite:test.db <peak.storage.SQL.SQLCursor object at 0x82f160c>Well, that doesn't seem very useful. But it did something. It opened a test.db database and returned an object, as promised. In this case, an object representing a "database cursor" pointing to the database.
But wait, we haven't actually created that database yet, so how could peak have returned a pointer to it?
% ls -l test.db -rw-r--r-- 1 rdmurray wheel 0 Dec 19 22:10 test.dbAh, so sqlite created an empty database for us to access.
That's fine, but it doesn't seem to be helping us to actually work with the SQL databases. To do that, we need to learn about another PEAK tool: n2.
"N2" stands for "Namespace Navigator", and it is a general purpose tool for browsing and manipulating namespaces, and it will also allow you to interact with any resource for which someone has written a navigator adapter. It is available as a subcommand of the peak command:
%peak help n2 class N2(peak.running.commands.AbstractCommand) | PEAK and pdb are already imported for you. | c is bound to the object you looked up, or the initial context. | | cd(x) like c = c[x] | cd() sets c back to the original value | pwd info about c | ls() show contents of c | | Method resolution order: | N2 | peak.running.commands.AbstractCommand ....Well, that's a bit cryptic. Maybe Ty (who wrote the n2 code) or Phillip will fix that for us sometime. In the meantime, let's just try it:
%peak n2 [n2] help Available commands: abort commit l ls mksub py rd rmsub unset bind dir ll md mv python rm set cd help ln mkdir pwd quit rmdir showTy originally wanted to call it "into", so peak n2 is also a pun on "peek into".
N2 uses python's readline library, which means that at the n2 command line you have available to you all of the facilities of python's readline (ie: gnu readline if available for your platform), such as command line editing and command history.
Why is n2 of interest to us now? One of the n2 adapters avaiable is one that will allow us to talk to an SQL database. Not that that's the way our program will talk to the corporate database, mind. Rather, we want to use this tool to make it easy for us to set up our test SQL database so we can test our modidified program against it before we try it on the corporate database.
The first thing we need to do is figure out the tables, columns. and data types from the corporate database with which we'll need to interact, so we can set up our test database to emulate them. So let's use the SQL interaction features of n2 to take a peak into the corporate database:
%peak n2 psycopg: psycopg://ouruserid:[email protected]/customerdb 1>You'll note that the prompt is different this time. This is because we are talking to a different "Interactor". The default interactor is the one for exploring PEAK namespaces. But because we referenced an object that supports an SQL Interface, n2 picked up the sql Interactor and is using it instead.
1> help Available commands: abort \abort \buf-load \echo \import \reset commit \buf-append \buf-save \exit \python \rollback go \buf-copy \buf-show \export \quit \set help \buf-edit \commit \go \reconnect \sleep rollback \buf-get \describe \help \redraw \sourceThis interactor is allowing us to enter SQL commands as the normal thing. So most n2 commands are preceeded by a "\". We can enter SQL commands, terminated by semi-colons, and they will be applied against the databse.
We're looking for the tables and columns relevant to our application. There ought to be a way to list things in the database. In the python interactor there was that attractive looking ls command, but we don't have that here.
describe sounds like it might be interesting. Let's try that:
1> help \describe \describe [-d delim] [-m style] [-h] [-f] [-v] [name] -- describe objects in database, or named object -d delim use specified delimiter -m style use specified format (one of: horiz, vert, plain, python, ldif) -h suppress header -f suppress footer -v verbose; give more informationOK, so we can use this to get information about named objects. But name is optional, in which case it describes the objects in the database. Sounds like what we want.
1> \describe obname obtype -------------------- -------------------- customers table groups table invoices table contacts table (4 rows)Ah, good. Looks like "customers" is probably the table we want. Let's see if we can find out more about it.
1> \describe customers Feature not implemented yet. 1>That's not as helpful. Perhaps what we need is that "verbose" option on the general \describe command.
1> \describe -v obname obtype rootpage sql -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- customers table 3 create table custome groups table 4 create table groups invoices table 5 create table invoice contacts table 6 create table contact (4 rows)This looks more promising. But clearly the sql column is getting truncated, and that's the one we're interested in. Maybe if we try another format:
1> \describe -m vert -v obname customers obtype table rootpage 3 sql create table customers (NAME VARCHAR(40), GRP VARCHAR(20), ACTIVE BOOLEAN, ADDRESS VARCHAR(80), CONTACTID INTEGER) obname groups obtype table rootpage 4 sql create table groups (NAME VARCHAR(20)) obname invoices obtype table rootpage 5 sql create table invoices (id integer) obname contacts obtype table rootpage 6 sql create table contacts (NAME VARCHAR(40), GRP VARCHAR(20)) (4 rows)Ah, there we go. (Obviously, I've left a lot of what would be in a real corporate database out of this example!)
OK, so we can see that the customer table has a column for customer name, and GRP sounds like it is the group they are assigned to. So now we know the columns we need to refer to, and how they are defined. Now we just need to replicate this much of the corporate table structure in our test database.
OK, now let's connect to our test database:
% peak n2 sqlite:test.db 1>
What we need is a test customer table that maps customer names to customer groups, since that's what we'll be accessing in the corporate database. In production our application will be using the strings from the corporate database, so we can use any old strings we like for our tests.
1> create table customers (NAME VARCHAR(40), GRP VARCHAR(20)); (0 rows) 1> insert into customers (NAME, GRP) VALUES ('Jeff', 'vip'); (0 rows) 1> insert into customers (NAME, GRP) VALUES ('Joe', 'peon'); (0 rows) 1> insert into customers (NAME, GRP) VALUES ('Klause', 'vip'); (0 rows) 1> insert into customers (NAME, GRP) VALUES ('Jackie', 'vvip'); (0 rows) 1> insert into customers (NAME, GRP) VALUES ('Fred', 'oridinary'); (0 rows) 1> select * from customers; NAME GRP -------------------- -------------------- Jeff vip Joe peon Klause vip Jackie vvip Fred ordinary (5 rows) 1> commit 1> \quitWell, that was easy.
Note that the "commit" step, which is an n2 command and not an sql command, is critical. N2 starts a transaction when it connects to the database. The commit command causes n2 to tell the database to commit the current transaction. If you don't do that, none of the changes made to create the table and insert the data will actually take effect.
One of the commands listed in response to help at the n2 prompt for our sql database was \python. Let's give that a try:
1> \python PEAK N2 (Python 2.3.2 on freebsd5) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. Type "help" or "help(n2)" for help. c = <peak.storage.SQL.SqliteConnection object at 0x82b7f6c> >>>Ooh, there's our familiar python prompt. Cool. And c is our SQL connection object. Now, what can we do with that? Well, as we've implied, an SQL connection provides the ISQLConnection interface:
% peak help storage.ISQLConnection class ISQLConnection(IManagedConnection) | A ManagedConnection that talks SQL [...] | Methods inherited from IManagedConnection: | | __call__(*args, **kw) | Return a (possibly initialized) ICursor | | Creates a new ICursor instance initialized with the passed | keyword arguments. If positional arguments are supplied, | they are passed to the new cursor's 'execute()' method before | it is returned. | | This method is the primary way of interacting with a connection; | either you'll pass positional arguments and receive an | initialized and iterable cursor, or you'll call with no arguments | or keywords only to receive a cursor that you can use to perform | more "low-level" interactions with the database. | [...]Here I've abreviated the help display to the part we're interested in.
So, our connection object is callable, and it returns a database cursor. And it says positional arguments are passed to an execute function. So, what happens if we pass it an sql query string?
>>> c('select * from customers') <peak.storage.SQL.SQLCursor object at 0x8588cec>Ok, so we didn't get an error, and we got back a cursor. Let's see if it is iterable:
>>> for i in c('select * from customers'): ... print i ... ('Jeff', 'vip') ('Joe', 'peon') ('Klause', 'vip') ('Jackie', 'vvip') ('Fred', 'ordinary')Well, that's pretty cool. Here is another thing you might expect to have work, that does:
>>> for i in c('select * from customers'): ... print "Name: %-10s Group: %-10s" % (i.NAME, i.GRP) ... Name: Jeff Group: vip Name: Joe Group: peon Name: Klause Group: vip Name: Jackie Group: vvip Name: Fred Group: ordinary
Right, so now we know how to work with our SQL database from python, and we've confirmed that our test database is defined and populated.
In introducing the n2 command I said it could be used with "anything for which someone has written an navigator adpater". This is a topic worth expanding on, since it is a concept that is very central to the way PEAK works.
For the full skinny on Adapters and Adaptation, you should read
PEP 246 and/or the
But I'll try to give you a very brief intro
and motivation here.
The short version is that Adaptation is about taking the object you've got, and getting the object you want. The PEAK system, through PyProtocols, provides the infrastructure for doing this, making it very simple to use in practice. In fact, you end up using adaptation all the time in PEAK without really being aware of it.
So, what does it mean to "get the object you want"?
Suppose you have something, say a connection to an SQL database. But what you (in this case, "you" is the n2 subcommand) really want is an object that has a bunch of command hooks on it for interacting with the object. That set of "hooks" (method calls and attributes) constitutes a "protocol" for talking to the object in a well defined way and getting well defined results. The SQL connection object, by virtue of providing an interface (another protocol) for talking with an SQL database, clearly provides the ability to interact in the way n2 is looking for. But it doesn't have the specific hooks that would make it really easy for n2 to talk to it.
So what n2 does is to hand the PyProtocols subsystem the SQL connection object it has, and asks for an object that supports the protocol it wants (IN2Interactor) in return. PyProtocols looks in the table that has been built through the declarations made in various modules, and finds a pointer to a piece of code that can do just what n2 wants: wrap up an SQL connection object in another object that can act as an intermediary (an "adapter") between the protocol n2 wants and the one the SQL connection object actually has.
PEAK uses this concept throughout its codebase. Instead of subcommands and other code having a bunch of if-then-else statements to check what kind of object it has been handed and then branching off to code to handle those cases, PEAK simply "adapts" the object in question to the kind of Interface (protocol) it needs. Elsewhere in the codebase will be pieces of code ("adapters") that intermediate between the actual objects and the desired interface. These pieces of code will be declared to adapt from some type of object (defined most often by some Interface that that object supports) and to "provide" a specific protocol (again defined most often by a specific Interface).
So somewhere in PEAK, there's a bit of code that knows how to take an object that provides an ISQLConnection, wrap it up, and provide an IN2Interactor to the code that asked for it. The module containing this bit of code declares that this is so. And the PyProtocols adapt function takes care of making it happen when the n2 code asks for it.
The fantastic thing about this arrangement is that someone can come along later and write an adapter that takes, say, an IIMAPConnection and provides an IN2Interactor interface. They can declare this adapter in some module completely apart from either n2 or the IMAP module. And then, supposing there is already a naming scheme for addressing an IMAP connection (say imap:username:password@host), we'd be able to say
% peak n2 imap:ourname:[email protected] >and be off and exploring our IMAP folders.
So, how do we access the database from our python program, as opposed to the n2 tool? Well, first of all, peak wouldn't have a "naming system" if it didn't use it pretty much everywhere. So you probably won't find it too surprising that, just like the peak command and the peak n2 subcommand, the naming.Obtain function also accepts anything handled by peak.naming, as long as it supports the IComponentKey Interface or can be adapted to it.
Yes, this is another example of PEAK using adaptation, so you can see why I took some time to cover it. In this case, the Obtain method, when handed an argument, simply tries to adapt it to the IConfigKey protocol. Many things are adaptable to IConfigKey including, in this case, strings such as sqlite:test.db.
But before we start accessing the test database from our code, let's think a little about the fact that this is a test database we're working with. We know we're going to have to switch which database we access eventually. And that's something that could change in the future; after all, they might move the database to some new machine someday.
So really we should put the pointer to the database into the configuration file instead of burying it in the code. The naming system provides a little utility for facilitating this called LinkRef:
[helloworld] messagefile = config.fileNearModule('helloworld', 'hello.list') db = naming.LinkRef('sqlite:test.db')So now we've got a "link" to a named resource stored in our helloworld.db configuration variable.
Hmm. But that isn't really quite what we want, either. After all, our project group is working on other projects using PEAK, and some of those will need to access to this same corporate database. It would be a shame to have to go to the config file for each app and adjust it if the database gets moved.
PEAK of course provides a way to deal with that. We can create a special section in our ini file named Load Settings From, and in that define a file variable pointing to another ini file. (Footnote: actually, you might want to use ZConfig here rather than an ini file, since ZConfig is probably better for "end user" configuration tasks, but that's another topic I'm not ready to delve in to.)
So we'll create a new file, global.ini:
[corporate] customerdb = naming.LinkRef('sqlite:test.db')And at the top of our hello file:
[Load Settings From] file = config.fileNearModule('helloworld', 'global.ini')In our deployed application we'll actually want to use either a hardcoded path name, or reference to a module related to the shared parts of our corporate PEAK applications.
This leads to another interesting point, though. If this global.ini file were already deployed, and we needed some of the settings in it, but we wanted to use our test database rather than the real customerdb, what could we do? Naturally enough, all it takes is to add a [corporate] section to our hello config file, and define in there the config variables we want to override.
We're finally ready to use the database.
Before we do this the right way, though, lets conduct a little exercise. PEAK is designed to allow you to develop applications that are flexible and easy to modify. Suppose we were trying to do this database change on an emergency basis, and we wanted to touch as little of our existing system as possible? Let's see what we can do.
Our domain model pairs names with greetings. As far as the user of the to subcommand goes, that's all that matters. So lets see if we can maintain that pairing while using the data from our new database.
First, we'll need a reference to the database as a class variable in our Data Manager.
1 customerdb = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('corporate.customerdb'))
Next, we'll need to change our _load method to get the right message, using auxiliary info from the customer data base. Remember, our database connection object is callable; if we pass it an SQL command, we'll get back an iterable cursor containing the results:
What's that funny looking ~ doing in front of our database call? The ICursor interface, which is an interface supported by the type of object returned by a DM (Data Manager, not to be confused with Domain Model), defines the python unary negation operator to be the function oneOf. oneOf will raise an error if there is anything other than one row accessable from the cursor. If there is only one row, it returns it.1 def _load(self, oid, ob): 2 row = ~self.customerdb("select GRP from customers where NAME='%s'" % 3 oid) 4 m = self.data[row.GRP]['text'] % oid 5 return {'forname': oid, 'text': m}
Since we're sure we're only going to get one record back, we use oneOf ("~") to pick it out. Using this operator also has the advantage that if we don't get one and only one row back, it will throw an error. This follows the PEAK philosphy of failing as soon as possible when something that shouldn't happen, does.
As we saw above, the "row" object we get back has our select columns as attributes. So we get the data from the GRP column for this user, and use that to look up our message. You'll note that I'm back to doing "%" substitution on the resulting message, so that we are in fact personalizing our message for each customer. If corporate doesn't like that, it's easy enough to back out.
Nothing else in our application has to change. Although our usage message for the for subcommand is now wrong (it sets the message for the group, not the thing being greeted), it works just fine for storing messages into our database under the group names:
% ./hello for vip:"I'm so pleased to see you, %s" % ./hello to Jeff I'm so pleased to see you, JeffNow, the fact that this simple change actually works is due to a quirk in our implementation. When we set a new message for a group, our get function finds that this forname doesn't exist, so our toCmd creates a new object, thereby avoiding the error we'd otherwise get when it tried to load the non-existent forname. This is logical, but the quirk that makes the app still work is that our storage implementation for the message database will update the message even though we did a newItem to get the object. This is not something that a good app design should depend on, so we'll fix it right in a moment.
The moral of this story is that while PEAK's excellent separation of concerns often makes it possible to finess a fix, one should not, in general, try to bend an incorrect domain model to a purpose at variance with its design. Instead, the domain model should be fixed.
Before we do that, though, let me point out another nice feature of PEAK, even though it isn't useful in our simple example. Observe that the SQL database object participates in the transaction. (In fact, there has to be an active transaction for the sql database function to work.) If our subcommands were in fact updating the SQL database, both the changes to it and the changes to our EditableFile would be kept consistent across PEAK transaction boundaries. If our PEAK transaction aborts, all database changes, to whichever database, are rolled back (assuming the database supports transaction abort, of course).
Also, to go production all we need to do is change that customerdb declaration in the configuration file. The PEAK database object hides all the details of the different databases from us. (Well, as long as we can stick to standard SQL it does, anyway.)
If you think about what you just learned about how PEAK can be used to tie together disparate, possibly legacy databases in the corporate setting, and maintain enterprise-level control over the integrity of the data, you can see why PEAK is an "Enterprise Application Toolkit".
All right, enough of taking shortcuts. Let's fix this application the right way.
Our domain model has actually changed: instead of the domain consisting of "Message" objects that are associated with particular things to greet, we now have "Customers" that belong to "Groups", and it is the groups that have messages associated with them.
So, if we are going to bring our app in tune with the new reality, we'll have to start by revising our domain model:
1 from peak.api import * 2 3 4 class Group(model.Element): 5 6 class name(model.Attribute): 7 referencedType = model.String 8 9 class greetingtemplate(model.Attribute): 10 referencedType = model.String 11 12 13 class Customer(model.Element): 14 15 class name(model.Attribute): 16 referencedType = model.String 17 18 class group(model.Attribute): 19 referencedType = Group
The most interesting thing to notice about this new model is that the reference type for the group attribute of our Customer is actually the Group element we define. When we use this model, we're going to actually store references to Group objects in the group attribute of the Customer objects. But we'll do it the PEAK way.
As long as we're rewriting anyway, we might as well get rid of that clunky file and move to a real database for our messages. Perhaps someday they'll move into a table on the corporate database, but for now we'll stick with our SQLite database, since it has proven its worth so far.
We'll replace the messagefile configuration item in our hello file with one for the new database:
messagedb = naming.LinkRef('sqlite:messages.db')
We also need to create the database and the messages table. As when we created the customers database, n2 is handy here:
% peak n2 sqlite:messages.db 1> create table messages (name varchar(20), text varchar(80)); 1> commit
Our storage.py file will see the greatest amount of change. Let's start with the simpler class, the Data Manager for the Customers. This data is read only, so we can use QueryDM here:
As you can see, there's some interesting stuff happening here.1 from peak.api import * 2 from model import Customer, Group 3 4 5 class CustomerDM(storage.QueryDM): 6 7 defaultClass = Customer 8 customerdb = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('corporate.customerdb')) 9 GroupDM = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Group)) 10 11 def _load(self, oid, ob): 12 row = ~self.customerdb("select GRP from customers where NAME='%s'" % 13 oid) 14 group = self.GroupDM[row.GRP] 15 return {'name': oid, 'group': group}
First, we're using the binding system to pick up a reference to the Data Manager for the group. Even though we don't define that until later in the file, we don't have a reference problem, because the dereference doesn't happen until runtime.
Second, we're returning an instance retrieved from the GroupDM as the value of one of our attributes. This kind of arrangement is why Data Managers return ghosts: when we access a Customer object, even though it contains a reference to a Group object, no system activity (ie: reading from databases) happens because of this until we actually try to reference an attribute of the Group. Thus in PEAK inter-object links are not expensive, even when the other objects are backed by potentially slow external databases and/or occupy large amounts of memory when active.
OK, here's the GroupDM, which is not much less complicated than our old MessageDM from before we added the customers, but which shows how to use SQL to do the same stuff:
We no longer need the Flush or abortTransaction methods, because we no longer have any local data structures we need to keep synced. The SQL connection will take care of flushing and aborting the database.1 class GroupDM(storage.EntityDM): 2 3 defaultClass = Group 4 messagedb = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.messagedb')) 5 6 def _getstate(self, oid): 7 8 try: 9 row = ~self.messagedb( 10 "select text from messages where name='%s'" % oid) 11 except exceptions.TooFewResults: 12 return None 13 14 return {'name': oid, 'greetingtemplate': row.text} 15 16 def _load(self, oid, ob): 17 state = self._getstate(oid) 18 if not state: raise KeyError, "%s not in database" % oid 19 return state 20 21 def _new(self, ob): 22 if self.get(ob.name): 23 raise KeyError, "%s is already in the database" % ob.name 24 self.messagedb(("insert into messages (name, text) values " 25 "('%s', '%s')") % (ob.name, ob.greetingtemplate)) 26 return ob.name 27 28 def _save(self, ob): 29 self.messagedb("update messages set text='%s' where name='%s'" % 30 (ob.greetingtemplate, ob.name)) 31 32 def get(self, oid, default=None): 33 34 if oid in self.cache: 35 return self.cache[oid] 36 37 state = self._getstate(oid) 38 if state: return self.preloadState(oid, state) 39 40 return default
We do, however, now actually need different methods for the _new versus _save case, because the SQL commands to update a record are very different from those used to add a record.
To implement a get method similar in efficiency to the one we had for our file based database, we introduce a local helper method _getstate. This is the method that actually reads from the database and picks up the data. get uses this to see if a record exists for the oid in question, and if it does uses preloadState as before. _load uses this helper method to get the state and return it. Note that now _load needs to raise an error if the record doesn't exist; before, we were letting oneOf do that for us. Doing it this way has the happy consequence that the error message presented to the end users will be more intuitive. Note also that if oneOf detects too many rows, that error will not be caught, and the resulting error message will tell the user exactly what they need to know (there are too many records for this oid in the database).
Now, of course, our application needs to use the new domain objects:
1 from peak.api import * 2 from helloworld.model import Customer, Group 3 4 class HelloWorld(commands.Bootstrap): 5 6 usage = """ 7 Usage: hello command arguments 8 9 Available commands: 10 11 for -- sets a greeting 12 to -- displays a greeting 13 """ 14 15 acceptURLs = False 16 CustomerDM = binding.Make('helloworld.storage:CustomerDM', 17 offerAs=[storage.DMFor(Customer)]) 18 GroupDM = binding.Make('helloworld.storage:GroupDM', 19 offerAs=[storage.DMFor(Group)]) 20 #RDM: Do the next to actually do anything useful? 21 CustomerDB = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('corporate.customerdb'), 22 offerAs=[PropertyName('corporate.customerdb')]) 23 MessageDB = binding.Obtain(PropertyName('helloworld.messagedb'), 24 offerAs=[PropertyName('helloworld.messagedb')]) 25 26 27 class toCmd(commands.AbstractCommand): 28 29 usage = """ 30 Usage: hello to <name> 31 32 Displays the greeting for "name". 33 """ 34 35 Customers = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Customer)) 36 37 def _run(self): 38 if len(self.argv)<2: raise commands.InvocationError("Missing name") 39 storage.beginTransaction(self) 40 name = self.argv[1] 41 print >>self.stdout, self.Customers[name].group.greetingtemplate 42 storage.commitTransaction(self) 43 44 45 class forCmd(commands.AbstractCommand): 46 47 usage = """ 48 Usage: hello for <group>: <greeting> 49 50 Stores "greeting" as the greeting message for group "group". 51 """ 52 53 Groups = binding.Obtain(storage.DMFor(Group)) 54 55 def _run(self): 56 57 if len(self.argv)<2: 58 raise commands.InvocationError("Missing arguments") 59 60 parts = ' '.join(self.argv[1:]).split(':',1) 61 if len(parts)!=2: 62 raise commands.InvocationError("Bad argument format") 63 64 groupname, template = [part.strip() for part in parts] 65 66 storage.beginTransaction(self) 67 68 group = self.Groups.get(groupname) 69 70 if group is None: 71 group = self.Groups.newItem() 72 group.name = groupname 73 74 group.greetingtemplate = template 75 76 storage.commitTransaction(self)
The changes here are relatively small, almost trivial. The biggest change is that we are getting the message from the greetingtemplate attribute of the group attribute of a Customer object. The changes in for are mostly to the usage string and some variable name changes, just to be consistent.
If we test this program, though, we'll quickly find a design error:
% ./hello for vip:"I am so happy to see you, %s" % ./hello to Jeff I am so happy to see you, %sWoops, we forgot about our tailored messages.
How to solve this? Well, clearly a tailored message is more a property of the Customer proper. So we can add something to our domain model: a greeting function. And we can take advantage of this to deal with the case where our bosses are serious about not wanting tailored messages. We'll allow for messages that don't have a substitution point:
1 class Customer(model.Element): 2 3 class name(model.Attribute): 4 referencedType = model.String 5 6 class group(model.Attribute): 7 referencedType = Group 8 9 def greeting(self): 10 if '%' in self.group.greetingtemplate: 11 return self.group.greetingtemplate % self.name 12 else: return self.group.greetingtemplate
Now our print line in commands.py becomes:
print >>self.stdout, self.Customers[name].greeting()Which is more Demeter-proof anyway.
And now everyone is happy:
% ./hello to Jeff I am so happy to see you, Jeff % ./hello for vvip:"Greetings, Your Excellency!" % ./hello to Jackie Greetings, Your Excellency!
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